The Field with Yesterday and Today.
The Field - The More That I Do [via YouSendIt for 7 days]
Also the most magical gig I have attended this year, quite possibly.
A random outlet of musical and sometimes sociological thoughts.
"Conceptions of schizophrenia as the loss of more real, authentic, versions of the self are typically combined with the disease models, again displaying the social nature of medicalized constructs inidivduals use to explain their lives."
"Having one character that says one thing and another character that says another ... having two different, especially when I talk to myself, that's sort of my schizophrenia ... I imagine people talking to me, I just imagine I don't hear voices ... sometimes I hear society talking to me, yea, which is not normal [laughs]"
Riton and Primary 1 - Radiates from Bob Harlow on Vimeo.
Esser - Headlock (Spike Stent Mix) from stars redmond on Vimeo.
"Well, I love all types of music, you know? I love it all. And so my new album has a bit of everything. Its got a bit of all genres. So there is a poppy song, a dancey song -- I think my fans will love that -- a rocky song, a couple of down-tempo love songs -- that are really close to my heart, one if about my Mom -- and a country song."
Dear Mr Rob Jones,
I am a little-known blogger, occasionally, but mainly I am a music and gig addict (not to mention the band t-shirts, lets not go there, one draw no long suffices). I happened to blog about you a year or so ago. And upon seeing that you were billed as playing at Darlington nearly deafened nearby dogs when I yelped with delight.
I arrived not long after 11:30pm, not for the club night, but to see yourself. I was quite shocked. I mean, people are nice and all, but, well its people in Darlington wanting to get smashed to familiar tunes.
But I must say I am glad I waited it out and stayed for your performance. You guys were fantastic and I was incredibly won over with all aspects of your set. Despite the poor sound quality of the soundsystem in there I thought all your sounds translated beautifully live. Pre-recorded sequences, drums, trumpet and quite obviously, your gorgeous and ever-giggle-inducing lyrics.
I was a little worried that after that gig that the North East of England may not have the pleasure of your presence again for a while and wanted to intercept this early! Come back. Just maybe ask me about venues/club nights first.
Warmest regards,
Stephanie Mulrine
PS My boyfriend had to be comforted due to your not having any t-shirts with you. However, come pay day I will make him smile again!