My People - The Presets
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Cut Copy
I am not normally one to get excited-- no, wait-- yea I am. But even more than usual, I am excited about going to see Cut Copy.
When my Mummy told me I had post to return to and she thought that one of my envelopes might be gig tickets, she is very estute now at gaging that having seen so many in their various packagings, I was giddy. When I opened them in the kitchen on my return anyone would have worried at that much uncontained movement in a space that held so many hot, sharp and generally dangerous items would end in tears. It probably been worth the injury.
My mother was utterly baffled by this extreme reaction. And I must admit, I even shocked myself, I mean, the most exciting thing will be my very favourite song. But sometimes, when you absolutely fall for a song, no matter what the feelings for the band/artist and their other work, the prospect of seeing it performed can do wild things.
So, song in question, Saturdays.
If you'd like a little more Cut Copy then keep your beady eye on the lovely blog Fun And Heartbreak as I may write a post with a Cut Copy track included. Aren't I kind?
When my Mummy told me I had post to return to and she thought that one of my envelopes might be gig tickets, she is very estute now at gaging that having seen so many in their various packagings, I was giddy. When I opened them in the kitchen on my return anyone would have worried at that much uncontained movement in a space that held so many hot, sharp and generally dangerous items would end in tears. It probably been worth the injury.
My mother was utterly baffled by this extreme reaction. And I must admit, I even shocked myself, I mean, the most exciting thing will be my very favourite song. But sometimes, when you absolutely fall for a song, no matter what the feelings for the band/artist and their other work, the prospect of seeing it performed can do wild things.
So, song in question, Saturdays.
If you'd like a little more Cut Copy then keep your beady eye on the lovely blog Fun And Heartbreak as I may write a post with a Cut Copy track included. Aren't I kind?
Friday, 18 January 2008

Last year in what seemed to be an eternally long, dark, depressing winter there was a great big gay, Swedish, electro beacon that carried me through.
The wonderous Lo-Fi-FNK.
And yesterday feeling at an utter loss (one that not even listening to Camera Oscura could be a cathartic release) I decided to flick through my MP3 player on my journey home from York to Teesside. Boylife not only managed to bring a smile to my face, a giggle to my demeanour but some much needed courage to spur me on.
Technology is working against me today, I'm afraid, but here's the video for Steppin' Out. Not prizes for guessing its meaning.
A rock..
And the inevitable hard place..
Respected for years. In fact, 'respect' isn't probably a good enough reflection. Full of adoration and admiration is probably closer. Giddy excitement for an ounce of praise. Humbled to be spoken to in such a way.
So how to take the shattering of plans and dreams by one person? Loaded with wholly scary, but accurate observations. Sticking by my ideas. What I want. Without a care for what institution it relfects badly on. But then, it really is more than just that.
What happens if life experience and a keen eye spots the crumbling of a dream long before the ego-centric youth? If you are too late you've ruined it all.
But what if all it takes is the sheer determination that you've never seen the likes of in anyone else? If you make it happen then surely you'll have so much more to be proud of.
Like you do now.
Fear and trembling.
Respected for years. In fact, 'respect' isn't probably a good enough reflection. Full of adoration and admiration is probably closer. Giddy excitement for an ounce of praise. Humbled to be spoken to in such a way.
So how to take the shattering of plans and dreams by one person? Loaded with wholly scary, but accurate observations. Sticking by my ideas. What I want. Without a care for what institution it relfects badly on. But then, it really is more than just that.
What happens if life experience and a keen eye spots the crumbling of a dream long before the ego-centric youth? If you are too late you've ruined it all.
But what if all it takes is the sheer determination that you've never seen the likes of in anyone else? If you make it happen then surely you'll have so much more to be proud of.
Like you do now.
Fear and trembling.
Monday, 14 January 2008
Black Kids

Tipped to be ones to watch for 2008. Black Kids. A little slap-dash indie band from America. I've had this song jangling about my MP3 player for a while. I like to do a specific little dance to this. Thats usually a sign of a good song. If it gets its own dance it must be something special.
Black Kids - I'm Not Gonna To Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You [via YouSendIt for 7 days]
Saturday, 12 January 2008
Blog phenomenon 2007 and into 2008..
Completely new to me. Only really ever delved into after experiencing the big sites, which really don't need me mentioning them, they get enough traffic and hits as it is.
February saw the little launch and creeping in of Pop Cultureddd itself. Something that I have loved writing even when I've hit my lows.
But the only other thing I must mention is the support from people has been tremendous. Especially fellow bloggers of whom I've become very affectionate of. You are all well loved by me. Please peruse the Favourable Links section and show some love for these excellent writers.
And into 2008 a very exciting little project has come to flourish quite beautifully, known as, Fun And Heartbreak. Contributed to by myself along with a host of my very favourite bloggers.
I was fairly giddy when Colin asked me to write for it. But its kind of turned to nerves about the state of my own ability to write anything coherently, let alone well! So show it some love!
Hope everyone is enjoying the New Year to the best that you can in a miserable January. Show the little blogs support. Big mainstream ones certainly don't need it. Us little noble amateurs do!
February saw the little launch and creeping in of Pop Cultureddd itself. Something that I have loved writing even when I've hit my lows.
But the only other thing I must mention is the support from people has been tremendous. Especially fellow bloggers of whom I've become very affectionate of. You are all well loved by me. Please peruse the Favourable Links section and show some love for these excellent writers.
And into 2008 a very exciting little project has come to flourish quite beautifully, known as, Fun And Heartbreak. Contributed to by myself along with a host of my very favourite bloggers.
I was fairly giddy when Colin asked me to write for it. But its kind of turned to nerves about the state of my own ability to write anything coherently, let alone well! So show it some love!
Hope everyone is enjoying the New Year to the best that you can in a miserable January. Show the little blogs support. Big mainstream ones certainly don't need it. Us little noble amateurs do!
Thursday, 10 January 2008
A few disappointments of 2007
Starting with the pinacle let down. Andrew Bird at London Scala June 7th. He didn't seem arsed. I couldn't see from any place in the venue. And I'd spent and travelled a long fucking way to stand at a gig receiving messages about how brilliant the Simian Mobile Disco gig was in my hometown. I'm still bitter.
NME. Continually degenerating.
The third of people who downloaded the Radiohead album In Rainbows who didn't pay anything for it.
Mercury Music Prize.
Jo Whiley seems to have become ever more self-important and, even worse, mainstream followers seem to reaffirm the belief that she is important.
Seeing one of the Klaxons in an Erol Alkan t-shirt. I've not worn mine since.
Falling in love with Death From Above 1979... just about 2 years too late.
The Aliens' live performance at York Fibbers. A drunken slur. But, bloody hell, they didn't half redeem themselves when I saw them at the Stockton Riverside festival. Brilliance!
Bloc Party.
Come on. You know you can probably extend this list ten-fold, as I could go on. Throw out some more... Come on...
NME. Continually degenerating.
The third of people who downloaded the Radiohead album In Rainbows who didn't pay anything for it.
Mercury Music Prize.
Jo Whiley seems to have become ever more self-important and, even worse, mainstream followers seem to reaffirm the belief that she is important.
Seeing one of the Klaxons in an Erol Alkan t-shirt. I've not worn mine since.
Falling in love with Death From Above 1979... just about 2 years too late.
The Aliens' live performance at York Fibbers. A drunken slur. But, bloody hell, they didn't half redeem themselves when I saw them at the Stockton Riverside festival. Brilliance!
Bloc Party.
Come on. You know you can probably extend this list ten-fold, as I could go on. Throw out some more... Come on...
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Tracks that I have announced as being the single most important track of the year
Yes, there are several. They are not, however, to be confused with the general Tracks of the Year type of thing. No, these tracks are ones that for whatever reason, upon hearing, I announced them to be the single most defining and important track of 2007.
“Track of the year.”
“This is the track of the year.”
“What about the others that you said were track of the year?”
“Errrr… shurrup!”
(general threat of violence)
“There have only been two others, so… this is like track of this third of the year.”
“Whatever Steph.”
First 3rd of the Year

Cut Copy - Hearts On Fire [via YouSendIt for 7 days]
Always slightly in love with Cut Copy and so was very excited when this floated up into musical landscape. Upon hearing it for the first time I think I immediately messaged or called my boyfriend to probably tell him I’d just heard the track of the year. Not that he’d of taken me seriously.
It actually made me believe that there was hope for the-blight-of-the-really-good-debut-album syndrome. Shame I’m still waiting for the follow up to be leaked. Not long now.
My adoration for this song knows no limits. I even enjoy the sax solo, which is rare, as being a saxophonist myself the sound usually makes me cringe. Somehow it’s been utilised perfectly in this song.
Second 3rd of the Year

LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends [via YouSendIt for 7 days]
The “consensus choice” as Mr Morton once described to me. Indeed, he was spot on with that phrase. But absolutely everyone can see why.
That ear-tickling piano accompaniment that carries you through the sheer delights of this song never ceases to break me into shivers every time I hear it opening. Flickers and pops of static that echo through your mind leaving it hollow for the sole purpose of letting this sound, song, voice, lyrics and feeling reverberate the walls of your mind.
The gravity of this song is incredibly personal. A song that becomes entangled in hurt, trauma and heartbreak. The situation transcends the song and ultimately you berate it for ruining a perfect piece of music.
Third 3rd of the Year

Dan Deacon - Wham City [via YouSendIt for 7 days]
Wham City is a track that is split into two parts. Each part as equally wonderful. It really all just depends what sort of mood you are in as to which you’ll prefer at any given time. But as a whole its brilliance.
The joy, magic and wild, confused story-telling that is captured in Wham City will send you to a frenzied child-like tantrum state. Flailing arms, shouted singing, quite possibly running in circles.
After posting this track on Pop Cultureddd a while back Wham City became one of those songs I listened to on repeat. I forced those I loved, and wanted to love this track, to listen to it. I sent it to friends and waited with bated breath that they’d feel the same passion for it that I did. And I must admit. Everyone loved it.
“Track of the year.”
“This is the track of the year.”
“What about the others that you said were track of the year?”
“Errrr… shurrup!”
(general threat of violence)
“There have only been two others, so… this is like track of this third of the year.”
“Whatever Steph.”
First 3rd of the Year

Cut Copy - Hearts On Fire [via YouSendIt for 7 days]
Always slightly in love with Cut Copy and so was very excited when this floated up into musical landscape. Upon hearing it for the first time I think I immediately messaged or called my boyfriend to probably tell him I’d just heard the track of the year. Not that he’d of taken me seriously.
It actually made me believe that there was hope for the-blight-of-the-really-good-debut-album syndrome. Shame I’m still waiting for the follow up to be leaked. Not long now.
My adoration for this song knows no limits. I even enjoy the sax solo, which is rare, as being a saxophonist myself the sound usually makes me cringe. Somehow it’s been utilised perfectly in this song.
Second 3rd of the Year

LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends [via YouSendIt for 7 days]
The “consensus choice” as Mr Morton once described to me. Indeed, he was spot on with that phrase. But absolutely everyone can see why.
That ear-tickling piano accompaniment that carries you through the sheer delights of this song never ceases to break me into shivers every time I hear it opening. Flickers and pops of static that echo through your mind leaving it hollow for the sole purpose of letting this sound, song, voice, lyrics and feeling reverberate the walls of your mind.
The gravity of this song is incredibly personal. A song that becomes entangled in hurt, trauma and heartbreak. The situation transcends the song and ultimately you berate it for ruining a perfect piece of music.
Third 3rd of the Year

Dan Deacon - Wham City [via YouSendIt for 7 days]
Wham City is a track that is split into two parts. Each part as equally wonderful. It really all just depends what sort of mood you are in as to which you’ll prefer at any given time. But as a whole its brilliance.
The joy, magic and wild, confused story-telling that is captured in Wham City will send you to a frenzied child-like tantrum state. Flailing arms, shouted singing, quite possibly running in circles.
After posting this track on Pop Cultureddd a while back Wham City became one of those songs I listened to on repeat. I forced those I loved, and wanted to love this track, to listen to it. I sent it to friends and waited with bated breath that they’d feel the same passion for it that I did. And I must admit. Everyone loved it.
Sunday, 6 January 2008
Mix of the Year 2007

Mixes? Plural? No. Why bother? I'm not saying I didn't experience others that I enjoyed, Crookers, Simian Mobile Disco, Broken Hooker DJ's, etc, etc, etc. But in reality it would just not really do justice to the one that stood out above the rest for me.
La Grève Générale - Cheese on Toast and Sambuca mixtape [via YouSendIt for 7 days]
Exciting. Compelling. Diverse in the hippest way.
La Grève Générale's Cheese on Toast and Sambuca mixtape had me literally squealing with delight.
Hell hath no fury like Steph Mulrine scorned. Well this proves that eclecticism hath no freedom like La Grève Générale.
These boys should definitely be something to shout about for a long time to come. And somewhere up North should book them. Poverty restricts me geographically.
Add these guys on MySpace. Then bombard them with general exclamations of adoration. I do.
Friday, 4 January 2008
Noises of 2007

Digitalism - Jupiter Moon at 2 minutes 52 seconds. Introducing the wailing that wasn’t really expected as part of the climax of this tense work up. That exact noise will make some vital organ explode in enjoyment. Digitalism on MySpace.

Roisin Murphy - Overpowered (Herve and Roisin in the sercret garden remix) at 2 minutes 31 seconds. My ears are tempted to believe this remix to be mediocre at best, that is up until this exact moment. That deep noise that kicks right to the core is no more the shining beacon of Herve's talents though it is in, what I think may be overlooked, this fantastic remix. I actually played this remix to death in 2007.

Joanna Newsom - Colleen at 1 minute 16 seconds. Like a pop of sheer delight. A chance to see this noise performed live should not be missed. It is absolutely one of the most exciting musical performances I can recall with ease of 2007. Recreating this noise yourself is funny and on a more serious note will make you appreciate the wonder of Joanna Newsom. Joanna Newsom fansite. (Anyone pedantic enough to point out this track is not from 2007 originally can bugger off, I love it and listened to it in 2007, and also, it was released on the Y’s Street Band EP in 2007, this comment is mainly aimed at a friend of mine.)

The Field - Everyday at 2 minutes and 41 seconds. Hairs on end. Swarmed by emotion. Moved to tears. There are bearly enough cliché phrases to actually resemble in any way what this does. Beyond all comprehensible ideals. Surpasses anything once deemed beautiful. Absolutely everyone should own the album From Here We Go To Sublime. The only album to unite a house in 2007. The Field on MySpace.
All tracks are via YouSendIt and will be available for 7 days.
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