The LED are providing some much needed bass and beats. And brilliantly executed.
Scottish homeland pride for these boys is overwhelming. I just need a plain loaf and Iron Bru. That would be all I would need to fuel me dancing to these tracks.
A Ricocheted Kitty is a powerhouse the likes not seen since approximately 2008.
The LED - A Ricocheted Kitty by TheLED
A remix of Telephone with an 8-bit breakdown? It is a must!
Lady Gaga - Telephone (LED Remix) by TheLED
I like, never heard of them before but will be delving further.
You've been away too long Mulrine, there is no o in Irn Bru.
I am ashamed of myself. Of course there is no 'o'. If I'd have looked in the fridge I'd have realised that.
Yes, I don't get enough Pop Cultureddd time at the moment with my life torn, tattered and ruined by two Universities.
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