Thursday, 21 August 2008

Still here..

Just hiding a little bit, maybe.

My new apartment doesn't have the internet and BT are a bunch of bastards.

My listening habits have degenerated so you are probably lucky I haven't been able to post.

Dank libraries built in the 70's are not really places I wish to visit often.

What are you listening to?


Anonymous said...

many many. st. vincent, bat for lashes, harrowing pop and haunting soul.

how's about you?

Anonymous said...

Disturbingly, I really like the new Eric Prydz track. At least there's no crotch shots in it.

Anonymous said...

boys noise - and down since you asked.

Steph Mulrine said...

I have been dissecting the Radio 1 playlist. Declaring war on Jo Wiley. Listening to noise to drown out the silence of unemployment, poverty and depression.

But, don't tell, its my Birthday next week so I'm going out disco dancing this weekend. Thats if I can hold my drink and don't pass out before we leave the apartment.

Commerical dance is where it is at.

And I quite like that new Kanye West song. I like the noisy progressive synth.

I shall return to my shamed cave.

There is a woman sat at the next computer who I think may kill it. She looks baffled by technology.


Anonymous said...

happy birthday for tomoz

all the best

Anonymous said...

i don't think i ever thanked you for that matthew dear song "good to be alive." i'd never really listened to him and now i love him. LOVE him. :)

Steph Mulrine said...


Matthew Dear has been getting lots of airtime in our new apartment.

Brings us all together.