Wednesday, 25 November 2015

In Praise of.. Maxime Dangles (Pt 1)

If I was asked what I currently could not live without, I would have to say:
  1. Camomile tea
  2. Columbo
  3. Maxime Dangles
And as Pop Cultureddd has never been a 'lifestyle' blog I will not bother with extolling the tea, and it is also probably not the appropriate time nor place to evangelise about a 1970's TV detective with whom I am deeply fixated.

So I will stick to Maxime Dangles. I first heard this French producer a few months back on 6 Music whilst pottering around my house. Hearing this stopped me in my tracks. I very quickly sought out more information, more music and was spending my pennies to bring the Résilience LP into my world as soon as possible.

You've not heard the last of this blogs love-in with this artist.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Admitting defeat..


Pause. Halt. Stop.

Restart. Reboot. Recalibrate.

Sounds like the old...

Mystery Jets -Two Doors Down (Duke Dumont Reconstruction)

Monday, 16 November 2015

Gold Panda

This awoke me from my most recent bout of misanthropy. If there can be this number of people, in one room, all enjoying and dancing to Gold Panda, then maybe there is hope (at least for me) yet. I can almost forgive that it is in London. Almost.

Dancing to Marriage is all I want to do right now.

Sticks it on repeat. Dances. Hopes someone comes to find her, to check if she alive in a couple of weeks.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Autumnal Impulses

The end. Beauty, life, love. You signal the end.

Dread envelopes the looking back at the past and the venturing forward into the new.

The dark impulse to run. Into the unknown, into the new, into the fire, into the sea.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Kylie Minogue: Flawlessly forever marking the passage of time..

One of my all time favourite electro-pop singles was released on this day 12 years ago.

Thank you, Kylie, for Slow.

Twelve. Years. Old.

It can still render my skin totally electric.