Thursday, 18 February 2016


Deriving strength from this ear-worm, exemplary pop song by Sia.

Elastic Heart as a song is not to be under estimated, but is frequently misunderstood.

There was some controversy. Have a look.

Read article link and consider your feelings before deciding whether to watch the below video.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Return of The Field

I am not one to willing wish my life away. Especially given my academic preoccupation with mortality.

However, that has gone out of the window upon hearing the news that Axel Willner will be gracing the world with the fifth full-length The Field album, to be titled The Follower. It is to be released on April 1st and it simply cannot come soon enough.

Hopefully some tracks will appear before then. The sense of anticipation for this Mulrine at Pop Cultureddd is all too palpable.

A constant in my life.

Enjoy I Have The Moon, You Have The Internet from the second album Yesterday and Today.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Junior Boys


Junior Boys are back!

The new album Big Black Coat is released on Friday 5th February. I am already obsessed.

The below album playlist might not hang around for long and may get pulled from YouTube so give it a listen and then buy it, you cheapskate! (She says with a sad bank balance looking back at her tell her not to buy any music)